
Your data is yours. You will always have the choice as to how you wish your data to be used by us.

We don't collect your data to make money out of you. We use a different business model whereby you pay for Riros to use the platform. We think this is a better way since the information you give us helps personalise and optimize your experience. and by definition is sensitive to you.

Two examples of how we use your data within MasterChange:

1. We tailor your experience to reflect your circumstances, goals and track record. For example, you will see different messages appearing on billboards and be shown different videos depending on what you tell us, to other users of the system. As the amount of content on the platform increases the granularity with which we can give you content that is relevant to you will increase

2. Some experiences have variable outcomes. Whether things go well or are more challenging will depend on your own personal circumstances. Your Jeopardy Coefficient is the main way this is done, together with random numbers (to simulate good and bad luck)

How we take care of your data:

1. Your data is encrypted when sent to our servers from the app

2. All databases are password protected

3. We will only share your data with 3rd parties with your explicit approval

NB You may have recognized this hasn't been written by a lawyer. The aim of this statement and our ongoing commitment to you with regards to your privacy and your data is "our intentions are good". We are a startup and don't have the budget or indeed the inclination to get a legalese version of this page written right now... there are more important things we can be doing. Your data is safe, we won't exploit it (or you).

The MasterChange Team